- Corporate & Government
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- Corporate & Government
- Corporate & Government
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- Corporate & Government
Learning is the ultimate human superpower.
Our Essence
WHY? We believe in using the Learning Process as a powerful catalyst for any human development. For us, Learning is “the” core process behind any action taken. We notice we are disconnected from our learning skills, or just go through them in a “transparent mode”, which means not really applying all the knowledge that exists to enhance each practice. We believe people and organizations would benefit from re-connecting explicitly with their power of learning by bringing the learning dimension into every project.
HOW? Learning happens through several kinds of experiences, with diverse outcomes. We choose to work mainly within the Active Learning Paradigm. We generate conditions for Learning to be 1) experiential; meaning the real thing happens through you, 2) holistic; meaning connected to all dimensions of life, and 3) pragmatic; meaning it is useful for your everyday life.
WHAT? For the Education Sector, we implement International Educational Models acting as cultural translators. For Corporate & Government Sectors, we provide Products and Services in the areas of Cultural Transformation, Innovation & Change Management, Leadership & Participation, Team Learning & Collaboration, Organizational Learning, and Organizational Design.
Our areas of Expertise
We develop our practices by blending our knowledge from these 5 areas
and Change Management
Organizational Learning
and Cultural Transformation
and Participation
Organizational Design
and Strategy
Team Learning
and Collaboration
Their ideas, our practices
We develop our work based on the ideas that we love.
We have become experts in putting them into practice and blending them to get unique solutions.
- Agile Tools & Techniques
- Appreciative Inquiry (David Cooperrider)
- Biology of Learning (Maturana, Gardner)
- Business Generation Canvas (BMC, CVC, Empathy Maps)
- Communication and Feedback (Rosenberg, Bandler & Grinder))
- Communities of Practice (Lave & Wenger)
- Comprehensive Approach (Graves, Beck, Wilber)
- Design Thinking (DLab Stanford, IDEO)
- Expansive and Discovery Learning (Engeström, Bruner)
- Experiential Learning (Kolb, Dewey)
- Generative Dialogue (Isaacs & Bohm)
- Lean Business Strategies (Eric Ries)
- Mediation and Negotiation (Ury, Acland)
- Mindset (Dweck)
- Organizational Design (Holocracy, OKRs)
- Organizational Learning (Senge, Nonaka & Takeuchi)
- Participative Leadership (Art of Hosting)
- Positive Psychology (Csíkszentmihályi, Seligman, Fredrickson, Lahti)
- Psychological Profiling (Big Five, Hartman, Learning Styles)
- Social Constructivism (Vigotsky)
- Team Coaching (Tiimiakatemia)
- Team Motivation (Belbin, Lencioni)
- Theory of Change and Adoption of Innovations (Rogers)
- Theory U (Scharmer)
- Transformational Learning (Mezirow)
- Visual Thinking
Our Values
We work hard to get our projects be:
We are experts in putting ideas into action.
High Impact Learning
Unleash your superpower.